Building a Deck? How to Choose the Right Fasteners
A deck can boost the aesthetic appeal of the exterior portion of your home, adding to its curb appeal and [...]
Are 304 & 316 Stainless Steel Fasteners Magnetic?
Are 304 & 316 stainless steel fasteners magnetic? The question of whether or not certain stainless steel fasteners are magnetic [...]
What materials are fasteners made of?
Not all fasteners are created equally, and the project you have at hand will determine not only the shape, type, [...]
Fasteners for marine decking
There’s a reason you need specialized fasteners for marine decking. Corrosion resistance is the biggest consideration in the marine environment. [...]
Benefits of Stainless Steel Fasteners
Why choose stainless steel fasteners as opposed to the other options at your disposal? Stainless steel has become the first [...]
Types of screws and when to use them
We would be willing to bet that everyone reading this has a box or two – or maybe even an [...]
Differences between sheet metal and wood screws
A screw is never just a screw. There are, in fact, several different types of screws, each specially designed for [...]
Types of Stainless Steel Marine Fasteners
We often get asked about marine grade fasteners – it makes sense that it would be a common request here [...]
How to Build a Deck at Home
It’s about time to get started on that deck you’ve always wanted! It can be quite a big job... But, [...]
How to Install Hidden Deck Fasteners
If you are keen to preserve the smooth, seamless appearance of your deck, then you may want to consider using [...]