Screws for Boat Building and Repair
Deck screws are widely used in the boat building industry for various reasons. For starters, they are a durable and [...]
What are the best screws to use for plywood boat building?
In the past, plywood boat building was quite the chore and more effort would be required when it came to [...]
What are the varying grades of stainless steel fasteners?
Stainless steel owes its high corrosion resistance to its low carbon steel and chromium content. Fasteners made from stainless steel [...]
Is the galling of stainless steel fasteners a problem for you? Learn more here
Galling of stainless steel fasteners can be immensely frustrating and difficult to understand, especially if the fasteners you are using [...]
Benefits of Stainless Steel Fasteners in Coastal and Marine Construction
Curious about why the use of stainless steel fasteners in marine and coastal applications is a common practice? Then you’re [...]
Use of Stainless Steel With New Timber Treatments
When using treated timber in any construction project, stainless steel fasteners and screws are your best option to avoid corrosion [...]
Stainless steel fasteners for boat building
When it comes to boat construction, it stands to reason that all fastenings need to be able to withstand a [...]
A CAMO Hidden Deck Fastening System that provides peace of mind
The CAMO Hidden Deck Fastening system is the first of its kind. It makes deck construction easy and affordable while [...]
Stainless steel fasteners: The 304 series
Stainless steel fasteners are hardware devices designed to mechanically join or affix multiple objects together. When it comes to heavy [...]
Fasteners for boat building
Whether you’re in the commercial boat construction industry or you’re refurbishing your family boat, there are a few things you [...]